Resurection Complete

Slowly it comes together.
Re used the old drawers. Added some cheapie shelves and a heavy duty shelf unit for storage. (Jarrah Underfoot on inspection tour)

Two table - one stand up the other sit down.

Some more cheapie shelves. And the more boxes I open, the more homes I need to find/create.

More work in progress.

You-beaut tool storage. No more rummaging in drawers for stuff you forgot you had.

Enameling department. 

Lookit all the little glass bottles of vitreous enamel powders  - with labels. Squeeeeeee!

A hammer rack. No no don't look too closely, they are resting on screws. Ya think I would have used dowel wouldn't you. (Lazy Greer)

My patented elevated bench pin system cos I don't have a 'real-jewelers-bench.' Easy to remove.

A place for everything and everything in it's place.
I can guarantee it will never look this tidy again!
Gotta love my half of the garage. Sorry car.


  1. Looks like a wonderful setup, Greer! and am looking forward to seeing your creations to come.

  2. Superb setup! Worth the wait, have fun creating, Greer!

  3. Thanks Ladies! see if I can remember what to do
