
I have of late, been a neglectful woman.
The construction of the house has consumed me utterly. This combined with weeks of extreme temperatures has sucked out all creative inspiration. My 'grunge studio' is in a state of chaos with proto projects in forgotten piles and leaves scattered on the bench from the hot dry winds and I have no motivation to even clean up.
Christmas and a family wedding have drawn me away and this week events consisted of deja vu in the form of catastrophic flooding in Queensland and New South Wales, again for the second time. We had 90% of our annual rainfall in 72 hours and apart from a few leaks, one over my side of the bed (naturally) we have only had to wait until our local creek was passable.
My hear aches for all the people affected by the floods and hope they have the courage to dig deep and rebuild their lives again.
I have been neglectful of my blog and worst of all, I have been neglectful of my online friends. I am slowly working my way through everyone's posts and hope I am forgiven for not commenting.


  1. Of course you are forgiven. Sometimes life calls us in other directions and that's just the way things are and need to be. I know that one pretty well myself lately.

  2. Good to hear you are safe from the flooding.
    Sounds terrible. Blogging should be the least of your concerns.
    Concentrate on your home and be well.

  3. So reassuring to hear that you, if not your home are well. I've been wondering about how you are faring. Sorry to hear about all of the troubles in your neck of the woods. It will be a welcome day for your blog followers, but of course especially for you and yours when all of this is behnd you and you once again have time and energy to create. Until then, know that you are cared about and many good thoughts are sent your way.

  4. If it's not bushfires, it's floods and tornados. The house looks amazing.

  5. Take care there. We haven't forgotten you and will be here to soak up your creations when you are ready.
    Life ...and weather happens. Hope you can get grounded back in your studio soon. I know how important that is.
    I think you must be in the "Unhinged" phase right now!

  6. Great to hear your progressing with your home. Over here we're too soggy, everywhere is just squelchy! Seems the weather is tormenting us with too much heat and too much wet.

  7. Oh, it's been too long since I visited, and I see you've had a time of it. 'Hoping things have improved and that we'll see more of your pretty things in the shop as Yank summer arrives. Thinking of you and your neighbors -- may you see better times soon, right away, now!
